Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Inevitable Weight Loss Story

Hey guys! I want to share with you the story of how I became good friends with Justin Bieber. You think that's crazy? That's just the beginning! I met another celebrity the same day! SANTA CLAUS! True story, but maybe I'll save that one for another day. ;)

Today I decided I could talk about my recent weight loss. It's a pretty long story, so I've been putting off talking about it but I decided I should just get it out of the way. Here we go!

I started out toward the end of last school year with a simple rule for myself: Make healthier choices. I guess now is a good time to share a little background information on what my eating habits were before this all started. I loved pizza, pasta, burritos, chicken fried steak with gravy (well, obviously - who would eat it without gravy?), and french fries. A lot of it, too. Now, I don't think I was ever too much of a piggy when it came to food, but some days I definitely ate like one! I easily polished off a good half of a large sized pizza on my own (leaving a couple pieces for breakfast the next morning, of course). Maybe some kids my age can get away with eating that much, but I also wasn't a very active person able to burn it all off. I was consuming too many calories (bad calories, at that) and over the years that added up, apparently.

Anyways, I'm sure you've heard that story from a million other people wanting to lose weight, so I'll move on. Right! Make healthier choices. I cut back on crappy foods and ate more reasonable portions. But at the beginning of my weight loss journey, I wasn't that strict with what I ate. As summer came and I started paying even more attention to what I was consuming, I got more and more strict. I cut out fast food, pizza, etc. completely and I started running every day and did a little bit of strength training at home. The weight quickly began shedding off and I was very pleased with my progress. This continued throughout the summer and the school year soon began and I was excited to show up looking better than I had the year before. All was well, it seemed.

Fast forward to the past couple of weeks and we find out that I am now technically underweight. I was in disbelief. I stopped weighing myself once I started feeling comfortable with my weight, so I lost track of how much I was still losing. Apparently too much. Now, a lot of drama has ensued since then and I'm trying to get back on track with a healthy weight for my age and height, but it's no walk in the park. If you think losing weight is hard, you're wrong. It's easy to cut calories and exercise more. What's tedious and stressful is counting every calorie, gram of fat, carbs, and protein to ensure you are getting enough of what you need every day. On top of that, I now have to increase my calories even more in order to gain a little weight back. The whole thing is becoming overwhelming and I truly wish that what you ate didn't matter so much. In a perfect world we could all eat what we wanted and be perfectly healthy.

You still with me? I know this is getting long and boring so I will wrap it up as best I can. I'm still not 100% positive I am where I should be, or that I am eating the perfect amount of calories a day, but I am trying. I never intended to lose too much weight, and I didn't even realize I had until recently. Maybe much of what I am saying is foreign to most of you, but this is my story and I thought I'd share! Obviously, I left out a lot of details for numerous reasons but this is the gist of it and I am excited to share my progress with you guys. Whenever that may be.

P.S. These photos have no significance other than being one of the few recent photos of me available. Plus, we're cute. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth! CHECK OUT HER BLOG, TOO! ;)